Last Chance to Take Action on the KXL Pipeline

Last month, a Keystone Pipeline spill released more than 383,000 gallons of oil—half of an Olympic swimming pool. The spill affected 22,500 square feet of wetlands, which could take years to recover—if it ever does.

Earlier this year, the Keystone pipeline leaked 1,800 gallons of oil less than half a mile from the Mississippi River. Workers had to excavate sections of the affected pipeline to find and repair the leak.

That leak was nothing compared to the 2017 Keystone spill in South Dakota. It poured 407, 000 gallons—almost 3,000,000 pounds—of crude oil into the ground. That spill, not far from the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate’s reservation, was the second Keystone spill in South Dakota in seven years. This rate of toxic spills is much more frequent than TransCanada predicted and reported to the federal government. TransCanada estimated South Dakota spills at no more than once every 41 years.

Protest sign: People Over Pipelines

Photo credit: Pax Ahimsa Gethen [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

Now TransCanada (TC Energy) wants to add more miles to their leaky Keystone Pipeline. The proposed Keystone XL (KXL) Pipeline would cross Nebraska, Montana, and South Dakota, including tribal lands. Of course, TransCanada claims that KXL will be safe, that it will be state of the art. Frighteningly, the state-of-the-art KXL design would only detect leaks of more than 535,000 gallons in a 24-hour period. The most recent leak, large enough to partially fill a swimming pool, was not big enough to trigger the leak detection system. This is one of the reasons for the lawsuit. The pipeline is certain to leak (it already has). Those leaks will be undetected unless/until they are huge.

If you are worried about the KXL pipeline, take action now. Only until November 18, you can comment on the KXL Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).

This is your last chance to comment on the KXL pipeline.Comment Now button

Below are some talking points and information that you can use for crafting your comments.

  • The pipeline crosses tribal lands, and the treaties must be honored. The US must engage in meaningful tribal consultation and obtain tribal consent.
  • The SEIS describes adverse environmental impacts from building the Keystone XL Pipeline, which supports not building the KXL Pipeline.
  • The existing Keystone pipeline leaks more frequently than company estimates. Any new pipeline will leak, it is just a question of when and how often.
  • Any project that crosses tribal lands must be in compliance with tribal laws and regulations.
  • The dire climate change findings in the SEIS support the argument against the XL pipeline.

This pipeline will benefit a Canadian company and its shareholders. It’s a threat to our climate, our drinking water, and our safety. It has willfully ignored the pipeline’s impacts on tribal communities.

Our health and safety should take priority over companies’ profits. Do not allow TC Energy and the Trump Administration to ignore their legal and corporate responsibilities to the American people. Take action today.


Learn more about Rosebud Sioux Tribe v. Trump.

The post Last Chance to Take Action on the KXL Pipeline appeared first on Native American Rights Fund.

Last month, a Keystone Pipeline spill released more than 383,000 gallons of oil—half of an Olympic swimming pool. The spill affected 22,500 square feet of wetlands, which could take years to recover—if it ever does.

Earlier this year, the Keystone pipeline leaked 1,800 gallons of oil less than half a mile from the Mississippi River. Workers had to excavate sections of the affected pipeline to find and repair the leak.

That leak was nothing compared to the 2017 Keystone spill in South Dakota. It poured 407, 000 gallons—almost 3,000,000 pounds—of crude oil into the ground. That spill, not far from the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate’s reservation, was the second Keystone spill in South Dakota in seven years. This rate of toxic spills is much more frequent than TransCanada predicted and reported to the federal government. TransCanada estimated South Dakota spills at no more than once every 41 years.

Protest sign: People Over Pipelines

Photo credit: Pax Ahimsa Gethen [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

Now TransCanada (TC Energy) wants to add more miles to their leaky Keystone Pipeline. The proposed Keystone XL (KXL) Pipeline would cross Nebraska, Montana, and South Dakota, including tribal lands. Of course, TransCanada claims that KXL will be safe, that it will be state of the art. Frighteningly, the state-of-the-art KXL design would only detect leaks of more than 535,000 gallons in a 24-hour period. The most recent leak, large enough to partially fill a swimming pool, was not big enough to trigger the leak detection system. This is one of the reasons for the lawsuit. The pipeline is certain to leak (it already has). Those leaks will be undetected unless/until they are huge.

If you are worried about the KXL pipeline, take action now. Only until November 18, you can comment on the KXL Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).

This is your last chance to comment on the KXL pipeline.Comment Now button

Below are some talking points and information that you can use for crafting your comments.

  • The pipeline crosses tribal lands, and the treaties must be honored. The US must engage in meaningful tribal consultation and obtain tribal consent.
  • The SEIS describes adverse environmental impacts from building the Keystone XL Pipeline, which supports not building the KXL Pipeline.
  • The existing Keystone pipeline leaks more frequently than company estimates. Any new pipeline will leak, it is just a question of when and how often.
  • Any project that crosses tribal lands must be in compliance with tribal laws and regulations.
  • The dire climate change findings in the SEIS support the argument against the XL pipeline.

This pipeline will benefit a Canadian company and its shareholders. It’s a threat to our climate, our drinking water, and our safety. It has willfully ignored the pipeline’s impacts on tribal communities.

Our health and safety should take priority over companies’ profits. Do not allow TC Energy and the Trump Administration to ignore their legal and corporate responsibilities to the American people. Take action today.


Learn more about Rosebud Sioux Tribe v. Trump.

The post Last Chance to Take Action on the KXL Pipeline appeared first on Native American Rights Fund.