Winslow Levee to undergo reconstruction with funding from Arizona, Navajo County and Winslow

Winslow Levee to undergo reconstruction with funding from Arizona, Navajo County and Winslow

Navajo-Hopi Observer

WINSLOW, Ariz. — Governor

Katie Hobbs and the state

legislature have approved $20

million for the reconstruction

of the Winslow Levee, Navajo

County announced May 11.

The project will be the

largest public works project

in northeastern Arizona. This

funding, along with local

matching funds from Navajo

County and the city of Winslow,

will be combined with $66

million in federal funds already

allocated by Congress to pay for

the entire project.

Reconstruction of the levee

will protect thousands of

Winslow residents and is key

to unlocking economic growth

in the region which has been

effectively prohibited since

FEMA levee decertification in

2008, the county said in a press


“We are so thankful for the

leadership of Governor Hobbs

who prioritized funding for our

region and Senate President

Warren Peterson who made sure

the appropriation for the levee

was included in the final budget,”

said Navajo County Board of

Supervisors Chairman Alberto

Peshlakai. “Senator Theresa

Hatathlie and Representative

David Cook worked throughout

the legislative session to gain

bipartisan support for the

project while Winslow Mayor

Roberta Cano, the Winslow

City Council, and staff put in

numerous hours working with

our team to convey the impact

of this project on the City and

the County. We are also grateful

for Senator Wendy Rodgers’

efforts to support this project

in the final Senate budget and

to our LD6 and LD7 legislators;

Representative Myron Tsosie,

Representative Mae Peshlakai,

and Representative David

Marshall, Sr. for voting ‘yes’ to

get the final budget passed.”

The failure of the levee has

impacted Winslow’s homes,

businesses, schools and hospitals,

and residents have spent over

$15 million in higher insurance

premiums since decertification,

the county said.

In addition to protecting

residents, the new levee

will protect railroad and

transportation infrastructure

which provides access to

available land and natural

resources in the area.

“The significance of this

budget approval is a wonderful

and positive step forward to

advance the overall strength,

economic growth, and expansion

for the Winslow Community,”

stated Winslow Mayor Roberta

Cano. “I am immensely proud

of our City Council, staff,

Navajo County partners, and

those lobbying for change on

our behalf that have worked

tirelessly to make this moment

a reality. Opportunities for

development that once seemed

unobtainable due to the flood

plain are now within reach, and

the benefits that this funding

provides will be a magnificent

impact to economic prosperity

in both the City of Winslow

and our surrounding Indigenous

communities. We can ensure that

with this project, our community

members can enjoy a bright

future in Northern Arizona.”

The pre-construction,

engineering and design phase of

the project should be underway

by mid-summer, the county said.

Winslow Levee to undergo reconstruction with funding from Arizona, Navajo County and Winslow

Navajo-Hopi Observer

WINSLOW, Ariz. — Governor

Katie Hobbs and the state

legislature have approved $20

million for the reconstruction

of the Winslow Levee, Navajo

County announced May 11.

The project will be the

largest public works project

in northeastern Arizona. This

funding, along with local

matching funds from Navajo

County and the city of Winslow,

will be combined with $66

million in federal funds already

allocated by Congress to pay for

the entire project.

Reconstruction of the levee

will protect thousands of

Winslow residents and is key

to unlocking economic growth

in the region which has been

effectively prohibited since

FEMA levee decertification in

2008, the county said in a press


“We are so thankful for the

leadership of Governor Hobbs

who prioritized funding for our

region and Senate President

Warren Peterson who made sure

the appropriation for the levee

was included in the final budget,”

said Navajo County Board of

Supervisors Chairman Alberto

Peshlakai. “Senator Theresa

Hatathlie and Representative

David Cook worked throughout

the legislative session to gain

bipartisan support for the

project while Winslow Mayor

Roberta Cano, the Winslow

City Council, and staff put in

numerous hours working with

our team to convey the impact

of this project on the City and

the County. We are also grateful

for Senator Wendy Rodgers’

efforts to support this project

in the final Senate budget and

to our LD6 and LD7 legislators;

Representative Myron Tsosie,

Representative Mae Peshlakai,

and Representative David

Marshall, Sr. for voting ‘yes’ to

get the final budget passed.”

The failure of the levee has

impacted Winslow’s homes,

businesses, schools and hospitals,

and residents have spent over

$15 million in higher insurance

premiums since decertification,

the county said.

In addition to protecting

residents, the new levee

will protect railroad and

transportation infrastructure

which provides access to

available land and natural

resources in the area.

“The significance of this

budget approval is a wonderful

and positive step forward to

advance the overall strength,

economic growth, and expansion

for the Winslow Community,”

stated Winslow Mayor Roberta

Cano. “I am immensely proud

of our City Council, staff,

Navajo County partners, and

those lobbying for change on

our behalf that have worked

tirelessly to make this moment

a reality. Opportunities for

development that once seemed

unobtainable due to the flood

plain are now within reach, and

the benefits that this funding

provides will be a magnificent

impact to economic prosperity

in both the City of Winslow

and our surrounding Indigenous

communities. We can ensure that

with this project, our community

members can enjoy a bright

future in Northern Arizona.”

The pre-construction,

engineering and design phase of

the project should be underway

by mid-summer, the county said.