Greyhills Academy girls win big at Arizona science fair

Greyhills Academy High School in Tuba City participated in the 2024 Arizona Science and Engineering Fair April 4-6 in Tempe. Seniors Daneyah Chief and Shyla Manygoats won three prestigious awards for their project, “Enhancing water quality in arid regions: a sustainable approach for safe drinking water.” They placed in the top spots out of 383 senior contestants across Arizona in the earth and environmental category, earning medals and cash prizes. (Photos/Greyhills Academy)

Greyhills Academy High School in Tuba City participated in the 2024 Arizona Science and Engineering Fair April 4-6 in Tempe. Seniors Daneyah Chief and Shyla Manygoats won three prestigious awards for their project, “Enhancing water quality in arid regions: a sustainable approach for safe drinking water.” They placed in the top spots out of 383 senior contestants across Arizona in the earth and environmental category, earning medals and cash prizes. (Photos/Greyhills Academy)