Nez-Lizer Administration reaffirms commitment to former uranium miners and downwinders

On July 1, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Navajo Nation Department of Health Executive Director Dr. Jill Jim met with former Navajo uranium mine workers who are part of the Navajo Uranium Radiation Victims Committee, to reaffirm the Nez-Lizer Administration’s support for a bill to amend and update the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, or RECAOn July 1, Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and Navajo Nation Department of Health Executive Director Dr. Jill Jim met with former Navajo uranium mine workers who are part of the Navajo Uranium Radiation Victims Committee, to reaffirm the Nez-Lizer Administration’s support for a bill to amend and update the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, or RECA