Second Mesa Day School opens for in-person learning

Editor’s note: This letter was sent to parents and guardians of students attending Second Mesa Day School Feb. 23 to inform them of the school’s current status.

Second Mesa Day School returned to full in-person status Feb. 28.

The decision was made based on the concerns we’ve been experiencing with internet connectivity, attendance and student engagement.

As a team, we feel that being in-person is the best way to teach all subject areas and most importantly, meeting the social and emotional needs of our students. Although we were able to continue with our lessons, within the hybrid setting, it was not enough to address the regression, student disengagement and the inconsistency of internet connectivity.

We are excited to have all our students return to the building and begin with a fresh start once more. We have made great gains while students were in-person and it is shown through our benchmark assessments. To ensure we are making growth, school will be in session Monday through Friday for a full day unless otherwise noted on the school calendar and the weekly reminders. We ask to refrain from early check-outs if it all possible; however, it is understood that emergencies and students becoming sick/injured do occur.

Once more, we will continue to follow our safety protocols. As a reminder, inform the school if your family is in quarantine and keep your child(ren) home if sick. It takes our community to work together to keep our students in the building to receive their education.

If you have any questions, please do contact the school at (928) 737-2571 or


Kimberly Thomas, Principal

Second Mesa Day School

Editor’s note: This letter was sent to parents and guardians of students attending Second Mesa Day School Feb. 23 to inform them of the school’s current status.

Second Mesa Day School returned to full in-person status Feb. 28.

The decision was made based on the concerns we’ve been experiencing with internet connectivity, attendance and student engagement.

As a team, we feel that being in-person is the best way to teach all subject areas and most importantly, meeting the social and emotional needs of our students. Although we were able to continue with our lessons, within the hybrid setting, it was not enough to address the regression, student disengagement and the inconsistency of internet connectivity.

We are excited to have all our students return to the building and begin with a fresh start once more. We have made great gains while students were in-person and it is shown through our benchmark assessments. To ensure we are making growth, school will be in session Monday through Friday for a full day unless otherwise noted on the school calendar and the weekly reminders. We ask to refrain from early check-outs if it all possible; however, it is understood that emergencies and students becoming sick/injured do occur.

Once more, we will continue to follow our safety protocols. As a reminder, inform the school if your family is in quarantine and keep your child(ren) home if sick. It takes our community to work together to keep our students in the building to receive their education.

If you have any questions, please do contact the school at (928) 737-2571 or


Kimberly Thomas, Principal

Second Mesa Day School