Dog attack on Hopi leads to tragedy

KYKOTSMOVI, Ariz. — This weekend a person was tragically attacked by a pack of dogs in the Village of Hotevilla.

This latest attack is one of several over the past few months that include dog bites, amputations, and in this latest case, injuries so severe they lead to the victim’s death.

“A tragedy such as this affects our entire Tribe both on and off the reservation,” said Hopi Tribal Chairman Timothy Nuvangyaoma. “It has also led us to develop a calculated response in enforcing the Hopi Animal Control Ordinance to help prevent occurrences from ever happening again.”

The ordinance addresses the threats created by animals that are not restrained and a sub-section allows for the euthanizing of unwanted dogs that roam the Hopi communities in order to ensure safety of all residents.

Tribal officials are asking residents to take an active approach and report any stray dogs to their village administrative personnel.

Pet owners are encouraged to have their animals vaccinated with the rabies shot, in addition to being neutered/spayed. Animals are allowed to roam freely unless they create a threat to the public.

At this time there are no plans to release the identity of the victim in this case. An ongoing investigation will continue.

Any new information to be released if it is warranted.

Information provided by the Hopi Tribe

KYKOTSMOVI, Ariz. — This weekend a person was tragically attacked by a pack of dogs in the Village of Hotevilla.

This latest attack is one of several over the past few months that include dog bites, amputations, and in this latest case, injuries so severe they lead to the victim’s death.

“A tragedy such as this affects our entire Tribe both on and off the reservation,” said Hopi Tribal Chairman Timothy Nuvangyaoma. “It has also led us to develop a calculated response in enforcing the Hopi Animal Control Ordinance to help prevent occurrences from ever happening again.”

The ordinance addresses the threats created by animals that are not restrained and a sub-section allows for the euthanizing of unwanted dogs that roam the Hopi communities in order to ensure safety of all residents.

Tribal officials are asking residents to take an active approach and report any stray dogs to their village administrative personnel.

Pet owners are encouraged to have their animals vaccinated with the rabies shot, in addition to being neutered/spayed. Animals are allowed to roam freely unless they create a threat to the public.

At this time there are no plans to release the identity of the victim in this case. An ongoing investigation will continue.

Any new information to be released if it is warranted.

Information provided by the Hopi Tribe