EPA penalizes Fairbanks company $117,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’

SEATTLE (July 21, 2023) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that Doyon Associated, LLC, located in Fairbanks, Alaska, will pay a fine of $117,000 for violations of the Clean Air Act.   

Doyon Associated, LLC, is accused of installing 55 defeat devices and tampering with 28 heavy duty motor vehicles between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2019. EPA estimates that tampering with one heavy duty motor vehicle is equivalent to putting approximately 280 new vehicles on the road.  

The company has since retrofitted the vehicles with the required emission control systems. Additional details can be found in the Consent Agreement and Final Order

“The manufacture, sale and installation of defeat devices is against the law” said EPA Region 10 Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Director Ed Kowalski.By installing devices that defeat the manufacturer-installed air emissions control systems, the company bypassed a system designed to protect the public’s health.” 

This action is part of a national Stopping Aftermarket Defeat Devices for Vehicles and Engines initiative. The practice of tampering with vehicles by installing defeat devices can enable large emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter which contribute to serious health problems and have harmful effects on sensitive ecosystems

If you suspect someone is manufacturing, selling or installing illegal defeat devices, or tampering with emissions controls, report it via email to tampering@epa.gov