EPA Launches New Website to Improve Transparency in Permitting

WASHINGTON – Today, April 2, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing the launch of a new website, epa.gov/permits, a centralized web-based platform for information about federal environmental permitting. It highlights EPA’s permitting and environmental review programs and shares information on related statutes and environmental justice initiatives. In support of EPA’s commitments under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41), it also displays the status of EPA permits for large scale infrastructure projects covered by this statute. The website is a resource for the public, permit applicants and federal agency partners.

“EPA’s new website is making it easier for the public and stakeholders to learn about the agency’s permitting process and our programs,” said EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe. “This new, comprehensive website provides a one-stop portal for the public, permit applicants and colleagues from other federal, state and local agencies to quickly find information about EPA’s permitting program and how these permits are helping to protect public health and the environment in communities across our nation.”

“EPA has been working diligently to increase the transparency of information regarding our permitting resources, requirements and timelines, especially as we implement President Biden’s ambitious Investing in America Agenda. We are pleased to launch this site available to all,” said Vicki Arroyo, Associate Administrator for EPA’s Office of Policy, which oversees permitting and environmental review work for EPA.

The new website provides:

  • Centralized information about all EPA permitting programs, information on delegations of authority to states and descriptions of other requirements that are often applicable (such as Endangered Species Act and National Historic Preservation Act consultation).
  • Public-facing reports and resources, including environmental justice and civil rights in permitting information.
  • FAST-41 information, including an explanation of EPA’s roles under the Act and a table that shows the status of EPA permits needed for FAST-41 projects and project tracking.
  • Inflation Reduction Act information regarding funding allocated to EPA for improving efficiencies in permitting.


In May 2022, the Biden-Harris Permitting Action Plan directed all federal agencies to evaluate their permitting processes and create goals around project tracking and dissemination of public information. This website fulfills EPA’s commitments under the Permitting Action Plan by providing the status of FAST-41 projects with EPA permits and posting them on a public-facing website. 

FAST-41 requires EPA to post details on its website relevant to the permitting process, such as permit applications and public meetings, at appropriate intervals. FAST-41 is aimed at improving the timelines, predictability and transparency of federal environmental review and authorization processes for covered infrastructure projects. EPA is a member of the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (Permitting Council), represented by EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe and Deputy Associate Administrator in EPA’s Office of Policy, Navis Bermudez. EPA has a permitting role on some FAST-41 covered projects, such as offshore wind energy under the renewable energy production sector.